Latest Conditions (6:00pm 2/1/25) |
Air Temperature: |
Relative Humidity: |
Dewpoint: |
Pressure: |
Precipitation: |
Wind Speed: |
Wind Direction: |
Visual Conditions (Looking South) |
Today so Far |
High Temperature: |
Low Temperature: |
Total Precipitation: |
Average Wind Speed: |
Highest Wind Speed: |
Yesterday |
High Temperature: |
Low Temperature: |
Total Precipitation: |
Average Wind Speed: |
Highest Wind Speed: |
Year to Date |
High Temperature: |
Low Temperature: |
Total Precipitation: |
Records for
February 1st (since 0)
High Temperature: |
Low Temperature: |
Highest Wind Speed: |
Questions? Write Fred Venne <avenne @>
Copyright ©2004 The Trustees of Amherst College